Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Benue Politician Abu King Shuluwa Writes Goodluck Ebele Jonathan.Read More.

Here is the full details of the letter written by Abu King Shuluwa on behalf of the marginalized TIV people.

Your Excellency,
Marginalization and Deprivation of the Tiv People of the Federal Character Allocation

Once again, accept our full compliments and recognition of your exalted office and responsibility to the nation. as a leader, history has bestowed unto you the highest position of trust,for you are entrusted with the Nigerian Project on behalf of the over 120 million people comprising the various ethnic nationalities that constitute the Nigerian Federation.
Your excellency, the essence of writing this letter is to avail you valuable information that will assist you administer justice and fair play in this dispensatio.Indeed, I had written series of letters to you in the past without response, nevertheless, I still feel a great sense of service and honour to write to you on a more serious concern of the Tiv people.
Mr. President, I am neither a senator nor a former minister, but a statesman and foremost PDP Chief who is passionately agitated by the unfolding conspiracy against the Tiv people of North Central Nigeria. Your Excellency is to note the historical role of the Tiv people in Nation building which has culminated into a modern Nigeria. Apart from providing the military strength to always defend the nation, the Tiv people championed the minority struggles that have today manisfested your victory as president, and this is evidenced by the fact that a Tiv man, our amiable Governor,Dr. Gabriel T.Suswam anchored your campaign in the northern part of Nigeria, just at a great cost!
Mr President, the Tiv people are very consequential in the political reckoning of the nation. Apart from their virile population across Benue, Taraba and Nasarawa states, they are virtually settled in most states of the country pursuing legitimate livelihood in different means. You may recall their constant role in mobilising political victory since the second republic. That they are the fourth most populated tribe in Nigeria is undisputed because they have earned the political acknowledgement of producing the first speaker of the House of Representatives and First Senate President of Nigeria from the north. In fact, both arrangements were made feasible by virtue of the Tiv ranking in the Nigerian federation.
However, most recent development especially under your administration are becoming suggestive of an agenda to deliberately marginalise, deprive and underdevelop the Tiv people. We note with great concern, Mr President that since your assumption of office, no Tiv man has been made a Senior Minister up to this moment, the Tiv people have no Special Adviser or Chairman of any strategic board of the Federal Government.
Mr.President, this present evidence of neglect, does not reflect the reality of the Federal Character and popular support when viewed in the context of our favourable disposition to your presidency.We are completely dissatisfied with the pattern of distribution of patronage where the Tivs have persistently been short changed.Take for instance, the regular recruitment in the Federal Agencies including the Military and Para-Military, Parastatals such as Customs, Immigration, Civil Defence,Federal road Safety Commission and Prisons, you will discover surprisingly that the Tiv candidates are deliberately obliterated on the chart of the Federal Character Allocation, and in the process denied the privilages of their citizenship. Regrettably, they are been substituted by other smaller minorities. An illustration misdemeanor is evidenced by the recent recruitment into the Nigerian Army, Civil Defence and Police. The table of distribution authenticated by the Federal Character Commission indicates the following:

(a) 50 slots allocated to Benue State in the Nigerian Army were share in this ratio-
Tiv - 8 slots
Idoma - 40 slots
Iged e- none

(b) 60 slots allocated to benue State in the Nigerian police were shared in the following ratio:
Tiv - 10 slots
Idoma - 50 slots
Igede - none

(c) 100 slots allocated to benue State in the Civil defence Recruitment were shared in the following ratio:
Tiv - 15 slots
Idoma - 83 slots
Igede - 2 slots

(d) 87 slots allocated to Benue State in the navy Recruitment were shared in this order
Tiv -7 slots
Idoma - 79 slots
Igede -1
Mr. President, these figures as represented here are completely unacceptable to the Tiv interest considering thier numerical strength and population capacity with too most populous and distinct senatorial districts.The implication is that our rural economy is being threatened by a growing population of unemployed and distressed youth! This is a great potential for insecurity, Mr. President.
What manner of fate is this? Are we really part of the emerging Nigeria with all her democratic dividends, opportunities and liberties? Are we not supposed to benefit from the reward system of a federation that we proudly belong to? Is this our reward for participating in the success of a Ruling Party in Power?
Mr. President, I pose these questions for your favourable response to addressing the obvious and deliberate design against the Tiv people.We certainly require a peaceful resolution to these imbalances in the interest of peace, security and development, because our interest as represented by the teeming followership is been threatened. Therefore, we look unto your intervention to redeem our loyalty, support and dignity before the vast Tive populace. Remember, nobody will be held responsible except those entrusted with responsibilities under your leadership.
Our prayer is that Mr.President should take a more critical look into the plight of the Tiv People by granting us more opportunities that are commensurate with our numbers and valued participation. By granting this prayer, Mr. President will be upholding the legacies of service, with truth and honour, very much to his credit of posterity.
Accept our warmest regards, Mr. President.
I remain Your's Sincerely,

Chief Abu King Shuluwa
(Sema- wan-U-Tiv)
CC:2.Head of Service Federal Government of Nigeria
3.Secretary to the Federal Government of Nigeria
4.Chairman,Federal Character Commission
5.Federal Character Commission for Benue State



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