Monday, October 28, 2013

Nigerian Nightclub Bouncer In Britain Jailed For Attacking And Raping A Woman In Her Home.

A Nigerian man who works as a nightclub bouncer who was twice spared from being deported from Britain back to Nigeria has been jailed for raping a woman in her own home - months after judges allowed him to stay in the country.
Idreez Popoola, 34, should have been deported in 2006 after his temporary UK visa expired but he was allowed to continue living and working in Britain.
In December 2011 he was arrested and was told he would have to return to his native Nigeria but he successfully appealed the ruling.
Judges granted the nightclub bouncer temporary leave to stay in January 2012 because he had a wife and child.
Then, 11 months later on December 29 last year, he attacked and raped a woman in her own home.
Campaigners today said the shocking case showed the need for an overhaul of immigration policy to keep dangerous criminals out of Britain.
Popoola was jailed for seven years at Northampton Crown Court on October 18 after he was found guilty of rape following a four day trial last month.
Sentencing, Judge Lynn Tayton told him: 'It was a serious aggravating factor that the rape took place in the victim’s own home as this was an abuse of the trust placed in you by the victim and has undermined her feelings of safety in her own space.'
He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders’ Register for life.
Judge Tayton also told him he would be automatically deported back to Nigeria on his release from prison

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