Wednesday, September 03, 2014

3rd American Contracts Ebola Virus Disease In Liberia.

A third American has contracted Ebola. Dr. Rick Sacra, of the Boston-area, contracted the disease while working at a hospital in Liberia, but was not treating Ebola patients.

Sacra was delivering babies at a missionary hospital in the county centered around the outbreak. He returned to Liberia roughly a month ago, and is now in isolation. It is unclear if he will be flown to Atlanta’s Emory Hospital, where the two other American Ebola patients — Nancy Wrehbol and Dr. Kent Brantly — were treated.

Pharmaceutical giant GlaskoSmithKline and the National Institute of Health are scheduled to begin trials for an Ebola vaccine this week. The drug has so far only been tested on primates.

The trial will include 20 human subjects, ages 18-50, and will take place at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. No patients will be infected with Ebola but doctors will gauge whether the drug has any dangerous side effects.


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