Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Cristiano Ronaldo's Mom Detained At An Airport For Carrying Over $60k In Cash .


According to Goal, Cristiano Ronaldo’s mother, Dolores Aveiro, was recently detained at Barajas Airport in Madrid for trying to board a flight with €55,000 in cash. Which comes out to over $62,000.

I’ve got no clue why she thought that was a good idea, but it makes perfect sense that Cristiano Ronaldo’s mom would walk around with tens of thousands of dollars. You know, Cristiano Ronaldo– galactic superstar, soccer’s LeBron James, et cetera, et cetera– who could probably afford a mansion made of pure obsidian on Mars if his heart so desired. But instead of buying lavish space palaces he spoils his mom. Wouldn’t you? Don’t answer that.

Anyway, after airport officials confiscated all but the allowed €10,000 out of what I can only assume was a cartoonish burlap sack with a dollar sign on it, they let her board her flight back to Portugal without further incident.

I’m sure she was as cordial and polite as possible throughout the ordeal, but it’s more fun to think that she was defiant to airport security because they were hating on her for being caked up à la Mario Balotelli.

In 2010, the then-Manchester City forward crashed his Audi and was questioned by authorities after they frisked him and found £5,000 in his back pocket. Why did he have such a large sum of money? “Because I’m rich.”

(AFP Photo / Pierre-Philippe Marcou) 


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