Sunday, April 10, 2016

Swiss envoy to Nigeria has a ‘gay spouse’.

Ambassador Eric Mayoraz

Federal government probes Switzerland’s Ambassador to Nigeria over alleged ‘gay marriage’  Embassy denied the claim saying that the envoy is not married .

 The government of President Muhammadu Buhari has launched a probe to explain the circumstances that led to the coming of Switzerland’s Ambassador to Nigeria with a male spouse supposed to be his gay partner.

 President Buhari speaks-out on gay marriage Eric Mayooraz, who was sent to the country last year to head the Swiss mission, is supposed to have arrived Nigeria in the company of his gay spouse, a Brazilian whose name was given as Mr. Carlos.

 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that it was aware of the matter and has started an investigation. The controversy arose when swiss envoy commenced his efforts to be registered as a member of the Association of Spouses of Heads of Mission (ASOHOM) in Nigeria. In response embassy writes: “The Swiss Ambassador is not married. As he is not married, the Swiss Ambassador, upon request of the president of the ASOHOM, designated an employee of the Embassy, the Administrator/Intendant of the Swiss Residence, to represent him in ASOHOM, which created some misunderstanding among members. 

As this designation seemed not to be accepted by some of the members, the Swiss Ambassador decided to withdraw from the association in December 2015.”

 Gay Nigerian hiding in UK fears death after deportation Ex-president Goodluck Jonathan in 2014 signed into law the Same-Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, which was passed in May 2013. The law imposes life imprisonment for some types of homosexual acts. At the same time Switzerland has recognized same-sex couples since 2007, same-sex marriage is not yet legal. Meanwhile, in February, the law committee of the Lower House of parliament in the country voted in favour of same-sex marriage.

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