Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Pastors Corner | Christians as Change Agents by Pastor Abel Uloko.

More than ever, we must rise up to the challenge, you're that change agent. We must walk with the consciousness of the fact that God is counting on us to extend the frontiers of His kingdom. We must accept responsibility for the much needed change that our world is yearning for.

Do you realize that sometimes you're compelled to think that perhaps, the salvation experience of believers before the year 2000 is a more tangle an experience? Why? Because of the kind of people who say they're believers nowadays, (and not sounding like a judge)sometimes you're stunned to see someone whom you had earlier thought to perhaps be a blatant unbeliever(obviously because of his language and his dress sense) speak in such crazy tongue and even attempt to groan in the spirit. Sometimes you're even further astounded to hear the person is a minister in his or her Local Church Assembly. Now, is it because the blood of Jesus Christ became adulterated in the new millennium? No!!!

Perhaps, because of our weak or zero discipleship and follow up program and machinery. Could it be because we're gradually loosing sight of our core essence and values. Righteousness principles are being watered down everyday and we're giving men soft-landings now so we don't loose them in our pews. Consciously and or more unconsciously We're okay if we gain them and do not even care if God looses them.

Patience and chastity have become a lost virtue. Love, Hollines, hosnesty and unity have become endangered species in the congregation of the saints. Righteous living and the pursuit and advocacy for righteous living have melted away like the sea salt into the ocean of materialism and d pursuit of name, money and power.

We must refuse to permanently stay in the place of recruits when we should actively take our places as Sgt's, Captains and Colonels recruiting and leading Soldiers to war. Or has the Lord not taught our fingers to fight and our hands to war? We are the change and God is counting on us. The enemies of God are so formidable and united against us without breaking their ranks. We must not gather forces and recruit our little Empire soldiers against ourselves.

Once, I've been invited to help write a stincker against a Pastor which will bring him to disrepute and destruction but I refused utterly and vehemently because I am not an agent of Satan. I cannot help satan to bring shame to JESUS. My Gift and Calling by God is for the propagation of God's Kingdom on earth. Helping and alligning with like minded believers for the sake of Kingdom expansion.

It was my Father, Pst. Paul Adefarasin who said, 'The Glorious Church is not for Heaven, it is for this Earth's. He must inhabit the heaven and eventually Plant it upon the earth.

Pastor Abel Uloko is the senior Pastor at House on the Rock Makurdi.


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