Monday, August 15, 2016

Padding creeps into sports.....Sports Minister sets up panel to investigate Padding of U-23 team.

Before padding was elevated to the consciousness of Nigerians, the nearest I knew or heard of pad-ding is Writing pad – a book or paper or electronic equivalent.

There is also Sanitary Pad. It was the commonest of all the pads worn by women during menstruation that I know. Growing up with so many girls around you, I got to know Pad and that any girl wearing pad then had become ripe to be eaten like mango or apple and also be ready to get pregnant. Boys and girls, then, were afraid of pregnancy because it was like an abomination to get pregnant without getting married. Not now. It is a norm now to get pregnant before getting married. Many men would tell you it is better to know whether the girl would bear fruits before getting married. Nobody wants to live with a fellow man in the house. Not man to man o.

Then, there is Launch Pad –  an area where spacecraft lifts off or Helicopter    landing pad. Then, moving into sports, there are Pads, Specialized equipment used in Baseball, Cricket, and Hockey. We have Elbow Pads, Knee pads and shoulder pads.

There are other manners of Pads in Computer and Electronics: Contact pad, Control pad, Graphics pad, ipad, one-time pad, TouchPad, ThinkPad, TriggerPad(This is used by Armed robbers, Terrorists and the military).

As we are Paddling our canoe, we now heard of    Senate Padding. This one is an executive Padding and has to do with Budget to make few individuals more Padded than others.

And out here in Rio for the Summer Olympics in Rio, Brazil, another Padding has crept in. It has to do with our high-flying Olympic Football team who have been alleged to be involved in padding their accreditation to 75 instead of the normal 25 meant for each team participating. The International Olympic Committee has raised eyebrows and the Minister of Sports, Solomon Dalung has set up a Padding Committee to investigate the padding of the U-23 football team. No pad-dy for jungle!

Source Vanguard


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