Monday, October 10, 2016

Donald Trump Brought Out Bill Clinton's Sexual Abuse Accusers Before Debate To Take The Heat Off His Own Sex Scandal.

With his latest scandal showing him straight-up bragging about sexually assaulting women, Donald Trump is slinging up any mud he can find to get the ick factor off himself.

Hours ahead of Sunday's second Presidential debate, the Republican candidate held a press conference with women accusing Bill Clinton of rape and sexual harassment.

The event was streamed on Facebook Live, and showed Trump with four women -- two of whom accused Hillary Clinton's husband of committing sexual violence, while a third accused the Democratic nominee of condoning it herself.

During the unexpected event, the women each slammed the Clintons and attempted to come up with actual reasons to declare their support for Trump's candidacy.

Juanita Broaddrick, an Arkansas nursing home administration who has accused Bill of raping her when he was a state attorney general, said:

"Mr. Trump may have said some bad words, but Bill Clinton raped me. And Hillary Clinton threatened me. I don't think there's any comparison."

Paula Jones, a former Arkansas state employee who settled a harassment case against Bill in 1999, said:

"I'm here to support Mr Trump because he's here to make America great again, and I think everyone else should vote for him, look at the fact that he is a good person, not what other people have said."

Kathy Shelton was raped at age 12, and her alleged attacker was defended in court by Hillary, back when she was a lawyer. Ms. Shelton added:

"I'm also here to support Donald Trump. At 12 years old, Hillary Clinton put me through something you should never put a 12-year-old through. and she says she is for women and children."

Trump invited a group of unsympathetic reporters to hear the women speak, but the press were much more concerned with the audio recording of Trump's lewd conversation that was leaked on Friday.

Others criticized Trump's low blow on Bill Clinton's sex scandals to be a sexist strategy in itself, as a woman running for president should be judged by her own merits instead of her husband's past actions.

As for Ms. Shelton? We're very sorry for what she went through, but EVERYONE has a constitutional right to a defense lawyer in the U.S., even accused rapists. Hillary was assigned the case by a judge because the defendant couldn't afford an attorney; it seems hardly acceptable to condemn her for that.

One thing's for sure... with just a few weeks left of the presidential race, no doubt Trump is trying to grab the election by the... let's say horns.

[Image via Facebook.]


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