Friday, December 09, 2016

Donald Trump's Secretary Of Labor Pick Was Accused Of Domestic Abuse MULTIPLE Times!

Following Donald Trump's announcement that he had picked Hardee's and Carl's Jr CEO Andrew Puzder for Secretary of Labor, disgusting claims surfaced from his past.

According to the River Front Times, in 1989 Andrew's first wifeLisa Hennings accused her husband of hitting and then throwing her to the floor during an argument. Lisa also claimed Puzder unplugged the house phone so she wouldn't be able to call the police.

In response to the accusations, the CEO admitted that he"grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her back," so she wouldn't hurt herself.

In the exes' divorce docs, Ms. Hennings also claims in the late '70s neighbors called the cops after one of their fights turned into vicious plate-throwing. The filing also cites an incident in 1985 when Andrew allegedly punched her in the face.

Throughout the divorce, the fast food king always denied the domestic abuse allegations.

To make matters particularly unsettling, Lisa seems to backtrack on her stories of domestic violence in a November email advocating his selection for Drumpf's cabinet:

"You know how deeply I regret many of the rash decisions I made at that time and I sincerely hope that none of those decisions will become an issue for you at this time. I impulsively filed for a divorce without your knowledge and was counseled then to file an allegation of abuse. I regretted and still regret that decision and I withdrew those allegations over thirty years ago. You were not abusive. I will most definitely confirm to anyone who may ask that in no way was there abuse. We had a heated argument. We both said things to one another that we regret to this day. I have always been grateful that we have been able to forgive one another for the hurt we caused caused each other. You and I resolved this long ago. We put it behind us and now enjoy what I consider to be a loving and respectful relationship. That is a testament to your integrity and grace. This would not have been possible if you had been a violent or abusive husband. You were not. I wish you always the best of luck in any and all of your endeavors. I know you would be an excellent addition to the Trump team."



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