Tuesday, January 24, 2017

A husband was seen carrying a huge pile of carrier bags in a shopping centre.[VIDEO].

A doting husband decided to help his wife with her heavy shopping by taking all of it.
In a video, posted on Reddit and Live Leak, a husband is seen carrying a pile of handbags so high only his feet can be seen underneath.
As his wife powers on ahead with three carrier bags, her husband trails behind her with a mountain of bags in a shopping centre.

He is carrying so many bags only his feet are seen. Viewers have given mixed reactions to the video, which has been viewed nearly 53,000 times
It is not clear which country or when the video was filmed.
While some Reddit users praised his efforts, others slammed his wife for making her carry the heavy load.

Hazir-al said: 'The best video i see this year he really care' (sic).IHaveToRegister said: 'I'd have just left her there. Easier' while Pompey said: 'I want to push the guy into her so bad. Am I a bad person?'
Watch the video here.Live Leak.

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