Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Prof. Adetoye apologises to 2Baba for describing him as an illiterate.

Prof. Akindele Adetoye has apologised to 2Baba, for describing the megastar as “illiterate”. The backlash that greeted the professor’s comment was unprecedented.

In his apology, Akintoye had written, “Good day brethren, I put up an update yesterday that incurred the wrath of some of my friends and the population at large for what some considered its harshness to another member of the Nigerian community.

“In hindsight, I believe I was indeed harsh. I believe I am wrong to have come at him in the manner in which I did. He’s in love with our nation like I am and like the rest of us.

“It was in finding a lasting remedy to our national malaise that I believe my passion took the best of me, and it was in that regard that I erred.

“I apologize for that and I apologize to those whom my update affected in any manner. I was wrong and I am sorry.

“Thank you and God bless you all.”

Here’s the screenshot of the apology as grabbed from Adetoye’s Facebook wall:
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