Monday, October 30, 2017

7 Symptoms That Maybe An Indication Of Brain Tumours You Should Never Ignore

The symptoms of brain tumours vary just as the sizes and shapes in which they come, which is why understanding them can help detect them early.

The symptom of brain tumours is usually dependent on their location, meaning if there’s one present around the part of your brain that controls your eyesight or arms, you’re likely to have blurry vision an limb weakness respectively.

Certain genetic disorders are responsible for brain tumours but a majority of them arise in people with no known risk factors or predisposing factors. Adults over 60 years and Children are more likely to develop tumours, but everyone irrespective of sex or age is at risk.

Almost all cells in the brain can form tumours and this makes it difficult to identify them. Here is a list of common signs and symptoms to look out for.

A Change In Your Vision
Blurry vision, double vision or a complete loss of vision are all symptoms associated with tumours. Having floating spots or shapes which is usually described as an “aura”, also indicates the likely presence of a tumour.

Headaches Aren’t Usually Associated
Despite the fact that a lot of people think constant headaches are symptoms of brain tumours, they are usually not an early indicator of brain tumours.

While headaches can accompany very large tumours, they don’t usually emerge as an early symptom.

Repeated Seizures
No matter the type of tumour, seizures are the first indication of a serious problem. When the tumour is irritated, the brain’s neurons react uncontrollable, causing abnormal movements.

This results in abnormal jerking or flexing of one limb or a part of the face and whole-body convulsions.

Unintended Clumsiness
Any form of clumsiness including missing your steps or struggling to find the right keys could be a sign of trouble.

If you also have issues speaking, swallowing, or controlling your facial expressions, the clumsiness of it all could be pointing to something in or around your head.

Confused Feeling And Problems Remembering Things
Tumours have the tendency to cause big shifts in the personalities and behaviours of people that have them so much so that they may feel confused and suffer from some thinking problems that are less dramatic than those portrayed in movies.

Having a very nauseating or sick feeling in your stomach can be an indication of a brain tumour, especially if the symptoms are persistent and largely unexplainable.

The best thing to do is to visit a hospital and have some tests run to determine the exact problem.

Numb Feeling Around Your Face
If you have a number feeling where you seem to feel nothing in a part of your body or face, it’s best you see a doctor as soon as possible.

This is even particularly important if the tumour forms on the brain stem, which is the area where your brain connects with your spinal cord, which causes you to experience clumsiness or a loss of feeling around some parts of your body.

Lastly, cell phones are not a known risk factor despite the common misconception and there are no significant evidences linking them.Treatment for large or malignant brain tumours, treatments could involve surgery, medications, radiation, or chemotherapy.

It is however also important to note that not all brain tumours are serious as a lot of them are small and benign that can only be monitored for growth or changes.

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