Sunday, April 08, 2018

Humanitarian,Ukan Kurugh clears the air on an update on social media portraying him as MR ALI who raped a 9 year old child.(Read his re-bounder)


By Ukan Kurugh

Some days ago my attention was drawn to a post which went viral on the Social media, made by one Suleiman Oshiotare who twisted a story I profiled weeks ago about a nine year old girl who was constantly molested by Mr. Charles Ali, a Federal Road Safety officer.

In his version Mr Suleiman used my picture that I had snapped with the victim and twisted the story, portraying me as Mr. Ali the rapist and the victim, the groundnut seller.

I do not know if this is truly out of mischief or just overzealousness of our people these days to be seen as journalists or reporters on the social media, reporting stories they have know zilch about. But whatever may the case I refuse to be distracted

For the benefit of those who have not been following the case, I will give a brief summary of what happened. Mr. Ali (the rapist) is a Federal Road Safety officer and he and the Victim's family live in the same compound or neighborhood for 12years.

When his evil act was finally uncovered, it was further revealed,  that Mr. Ali has been constantly molesting the 9year old girl. He has been in the act for a long time. He started doing this since the girl was 8years old. He would take the innocent unsuspecting child to his car which has tinted glasses and perform the evil act there.

He ran out of luck on this fateful day when Miss Chinasa, a groundnut hawker caught him (Mr. Ali) on top of the nine year old victim. Who knows how long it would have gone on had she not caught him in the act.

Mr. Ali had initially denied the allegation but when the groundnut seller persisted, he agreed that he did it and started begging for forgiveness.

The Matter was reported to NAPTIP and Mr. Ali was arrested but later released on bail. The matter was reported to the police as well.

Investigations are currently ongoing  and sooner rather than later he will be nabbed. I do not know why anyone would go publishing falsehood against my person.

I painstakingly followed up the matter, made investigations and brought up details here for the general public to view and see how together we could bring the culprit to book.

Personally I wouldn't have bothered about a rejoinder, 'cos I believe people who know me know that I am not capable of such a despicable act. And they know what I do, but for future purposes and for the sake of clarity for those who read the twisted version and do not know me.

I am Ukan Kurugh, not Charles Ali. 
And I am not a rapist. The published falsehood is the handiwork of detractors

But I however refuse to be distracted 
I shall not be deterred by some unscrupulous elements trying to make a rubbish of what I do. I shall remain focused and dedicated to my service to humanity.

And even in this rape matter,  I shall follow it to the end. 
I will not rest until Mr. Ali is served a good punishing deserving enough to deter yet to be uncovered rapists and those harbouring or contemplating such thoughts.


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