No more Mondays! One Colorado school district is switching to a four-day school week
Colorado School District 27J will transition from a five-day student contact week to a four-day student contact week beginning in August 2018.
The Brighton-based school district made the announcement on its website, saying the move is to save money on transportation costs, teaching salaries and district-wide utilities, and also help teachers prepare well for students.
School District 27J says the four-day week will help create a schedule that acts as enticement for recruiting and retaining quality teachers
The School which serves 18,000 students in Brighton, Commerce City, Henderson, Thornton and Aurora, has picked Monday as the day kids won't have class.
“We anticipate about $1 million in savings,” Superintendent Chris Fiedler told NBC 9 News.
“We really feel like Monday is the day to prepare and to be better for kids. This will give people a chance to have a weekend and then come in on Monday — whether they’re paid to or not because they’re doing that work anyway to be prepared for kids and to be better for kids,” Fiedler said.
Tracy Rudnick, public information officer of 27J told ABC News:
“A three-day weekend for educators may be a perk since they are unable to receive significant salary increases. This new schedule appeals to teachers because their professional development is built into their day.”
On Mondays, the district says it will offer childcare for $30 for children under 12.
Teachers will have to attend work one Monday a month, but only for half the day.
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