Friday, August 10, 2018

This 45-year-old Sexy Grand Pa’ with 22 kids, 21 baby mamas,1 Grand child is trending now (Photos)

Trending instagram user, ‘The Sexy Grand Pa‘ is giving Irvin Randle who was dubbed #MrStealYourGrandma a run for his money, with his hunky figure.

The Sexy Grand Pa said to be 45-year-old, has 22 kids (12 girls and 10 boys) with 21 baby mamas, and is also a proud grandfather of one. Here are cute photos of him below;

Few years ago, Irvin Randle also didn’t ask to be famous. Until the end of June 2016, he was just an elementary schoolteacher in Houston, Texas. Admittedly, he was a particularly well-dressed , who’s been “dressing pretty swagger and pretty trendy all my life,” he says. Then one of his Facebook friends asked if he could repost photos of Randle to Instagram, and Randle’s life changed overnight.

Randle’s pictures received 37,000 likes in less than an hour. His daughter called him from California to tell him he was trending on Twitter. He didn’t know what “trending” meant.

The 55-year-old, who is grandfather to two grandchildren, was dubbed by the internet as #MrStealYourGrandma. “I kind of got upset for a minute,” Randle says, “I don’t want anybody’s grandma.” But then he leaned into it, making his first public appearance just two days later at the Essence Music Festival in New Orleans. He went from having 5,000 friends on Facebook to commanding an official Facebook page with 838,000 likes. His humble 291 followers on Instagram snowballed to 140,000. He learned what it meant to trend — and all that came with it. “I can tell you from there, it has just been a very exciting and pleasant ride for myself,” he says.

On looking good, he said;

I eat right. I don’t eat any sugar. Cookies, candy, chips, ice cream — I cut all that out. I have a granddaughter that’s 4 years old, and when she came along, I was like, OK, I want to be around for her. I want to run and play and go to the park.I don’t want to be that grandpa that sits on a bench and babysits. I started jogging, I do 30 push-ups every morning, I run five days a week, I work out for 45 minutes, and it makes me feel good. And I now have a 9-month-old grandson and he’s very active, and when I’m around him, I just feel good about it. I’m involved.


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