Sunday, February 03, 2019

UK Parliamentarian,Boris Johnson allegedly dumped 70-pages of Brexit parliamentary paper into a petrol station trash can.

Boris Johnson (pictured leaving the Houses of Parliament in London on January 11)

Boris allegedly stuffed notes in the trash can in the South West on January 21 Several pages apparently fell and were picked up by a member of the public The 54-year-old purportedly proposed that there is 'no strategy' in the notes

The Conservative MP apparently stuffed the notes in the trash can after pulling up with a passenger, believed to be his new 30-year-old love Carrie Symonds, in the South West on January 21.

But as he rushed to pay for his petrol, several pages fell to the ground and were picked up by a member of the public, the Sunday Mirror reports.

In the handwritten documents and official notes, the 54-year-old purportedly proposed that there is 'no strategy' for Britain leaving the EU without a deal on March 29.

He allegedly wrote: 'No deal does not mean crashing out, it can mean we are getting it right. We don't know what the strategy is. We have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear isn't scary.'

The documents also claim chief whip Julian Smith is planning a second referendum, as one paper purportedly said: 'The party has a very clear way forward on Brexit. It is the true way. The chief whip is alleged to have a plot to put it back to the people.'

However, a spokesman for Mr Smith rejected the claims, insisting to the newspaper that it is 'absurd and patently untrue.'


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