Can Romney Defeat Obama With This Agenda?Here are 10 Things You Need To Know About Romney's Acceptance Speech To Run Against President Obama.
Mitt Romney gave one of the most impassioned speeches of his political career last night and yet, the Republican Presidential nominee still left many asking: what’s he gonna do if elected?
From listening to Romney’s speech at the Republican National Convention last night, we have a good idea of what his plans are if he gets to sit in the Oval Office.
Romney touched on a wide range of issues, rallying up his base as he received numerous rounds of applause throughout his speech.
One of Romney’s biggest selling points were jobs. In fact, one might say that was the discourse's theme, as Money Mitt kept reiterating to the GOP faithful that America needs "jobs, lots of jobs" and promised to create 12 million of them in perilous economic times.
Here are a few other things you need to know about Mitt Romney’s acceptance speech.
Mitt Romney wants jobs for America. will he create 12 million new jobs by expanding domestic energy production, improving education and training. "What America needs is jobs," Romney said. "Lots of jobs." Romney said he will not raise taxes on the middle class.
In the future, Romney doesn’t want us to worry about energy. He said by 2020, America will be independent from energy sources outside of North America. Romney said he supports opening the Atlantic and Pacific outer continental shelves to drilling, as well as Western lands, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and offshore Alaska.
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Romney said he would put the military ahead of everything else, claiming he would "preserve a military that is so strong, no nation would ever dare to test it."
On foreign policy, Romney did give Obama credit for ordering the Seal Team Six to take out Osama bin Laden. But he criticized the President for failing to slow Iran's nuclear threat.
Obama has been too easy on Russian President Vladimir Putin, he said: "Under my administration, our friends will see more loyalty, and Mr. Putin will see a little less flexibility and more backbone."
Taxes on businesses would be cut, not increased, under a Romney administration he said. He would also repeal President Barack Obama's health care law in order to "rein in the skyrocketing cost of healthcare."
Romney was quick to defend women, as he made a direct appeal to this critical demographic by noting that women held important positions during his term as Massachusetts governor. Romney went as far as to back it up by listing several women, including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, who addressed the Republican National Convention, and he also mentioned that his mother, Lenore Romney, had once run for the U.S. Senate.
It’s all about the experience says Romney, as he stressed that his background in business at Bain Capital, a private equity firm he helped start in 1984, makes him better qualified than Obama to turn around a struggling American economy.
For some reason, Romney thinks there is a war on religion in America, as he tied his Mormon faith to the American experience.
Romney said that growing up Mormon in Michigan may have seemed out of place, but his friends cared more about the sports teams they followed than what church he and his family went to.
Photo credit: Reuters
Romney made no mention of Social Security throughout his acceptance speech. As the AP reports, Romney has not talked specifics about what we would do with these budget-busting entitlement programs, other than to say he would gradually raise the retirement age on the massive program for aid to seniors.
Photo credit: Mark Humphrey/AP
When it came to illegal immigration, there was also no mention of reform or anything during his acceptance speech.
In the past, Romney has emphasized his support for a U.S.-Mexico border fence and his opposition to education benefits for illegal immigrants. Romney has said in the past if elected, he would veto the Dream Act.
Photo credit: AP
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