Monday, July 29, 2013

I will Clarify My Future Political Ambition In 2014-Governor Suswam (Governor Of BENUE State).

Governor Gabriel Suswam of Benue State on Sunday said he would clarify his future political ambition in 2014.The governor said this at Konshisha-Mbakpuul in Konshisa Local Government Area during a fund raising programme for two schools in the community.

At the occasion, prominent members of the community said they had endorsed the Governor as the Senatorial candidate for the Benue North East District.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Chief Barnabas Gemade is the incumbent senator representing the zone.

NAN also reports that although Suswam, a two-term governor, has not yet declared his intention to vie for the seat, groups and associations had continued to hold consultations on his behalf.

Suswam commended the leaders for organising the event and directed the state commissioner for Education to liaise with the community for the purpose of intervention.

He, however, made a personal donation of N3 million for the development of the two schools and urged others donors to donate generously.

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