Stephanie Okereke-Linus Dishes Out Tips On Staying Fit.
Hello lovely people!
Its the last month of the year and I know that like me, many of us set out some goals we wanted to achieve with regards to our weight and fitness at the beginning of the year. But with the demands of our busy schedules, especially when you live in a bustling city like Lagos, you might have had a difficult time achieving those goals.
Not to worry, its not too late to boost our spirits and get back to our routines. Here are some ways that you can juggle exercising with your busy work schedule:
1. Wake up in the morning to exercise
Waking up an hour earlier to exercise in the morning helps you function better during the day. It gives you a better cardiovascular impact, you’re able to have more consistent workouts and more energy throughout the day.
2. Walk/Ride your bike to work
I know this may be difficult in most cities and also if you live far from work. But if you can, take a walk or ride your bike to work. It really helps.
3. Work out during your lunch break
Most people have at least a half hour break during work. That is enough time to squeeze in a short workout. You can take a walk outside, or walk around your building or street.
4. Use exercising as a way to socialize
Instead of going out to eat, go for a walk or short run with your friends and catch up while you are at it.
5. Make a commitment
I know it might be difficult, believe me I do, but physical activity is SO important to our lives. Take some time to re-evaluate where you are spending unnecessary time and focus on doing those important things for your health and fitness.
So, share with me, how do you find time to work out despite your busy schedules? Have you achieved the fitness and health goals you set for yourself at the beginning of the year? I’d love to know.
Labels: Stephanie Okereke
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