Sunday, February 23, 2014

Wikileaks Says Boko Haram Is A CIA Covert Operation .

We have already been regaled with reports provided by the Wikileaks which identified the US embassy in Nigeria as a forward operating base for wide and far reaching acts of subversion against Nigeria which include but not limited to eavesdropping on Nigerian government communication, financial espionage on leadingNigerians, support and funding of subversive groups and insurgents, sponsoring of divisive propaganda among the disparate groups of Nigeria and the use of visa black-mailto induce and coerce high ranking Nigerians into acting in favour of US interests.
But beyond what we know from the Wikileaks report, what many Nigerians do not know is that US embassy’s subversive activities in Nigeria fits into the long term US government’s well camouflaged policy of containment against Nigeria the ultimate goal of which is to eliminate Nigeria as a potential strategic rival to the US in the African continent.
According to wiki-leaks article on ACRI which portrays the ACRI as a counterweight which was set up by the US to instigate mistrust in Nigerian dominated ECOMOG; the sense of Nigerian led anti-american opposition was first observed in during the bush administration, when Nigeria without support from the west or UN led the first ever African intervention force on peacekeeping mission to Liberia while at the same time engaging sierra lone in forced peace combat, with predominantly Nigerian troops( over 90%) being spearheaded by thenMilitary ruler Gen. Ibrahim Badamosi Babangida.
In this regard, the report further recalled Nigeria’s role in helping to liberate the southern African countries in the 70’s and 80’s in clear opposition and defiance to the interests of the United States and its western allies which resulted in setback for Western initiatives in Africa at the time.
Both concluded with a recommendation that the US Government in conjunction with its allies should seek to contain the growing influence of Nigeria in the sub-region by forming a parallel organization to ECOMOG. But in order not to unduly alarm and antagonize Nigeria which the report admitted still had considerable influence in the region, the US governmentwas advised to go about this using quiet diplomacy and instigating false propaganda.
Years, later the CIA while tactically taking advantage of growing sectarian violence in Nigeria, recruited jobless Islamic extremist through Muslim and other traditional leaders offering training indirectly to the group by use of foreign based terror groups. A detailed analysis is done below:
However, there many dots left to be joined together to find the truth;
In December 2011 an Algerian based CIA wing gave out 40 million Naira as a planned Long term partnership with boko haram with PLEDGE TO DO MORE.
On June 29, 2009 a United States cable leaked by wikileaks showed that the CIA public predicted the onslaught of deadly terrorist attack by boko haram, i.e even 2 months before boko haram started terrorist actions.
Disregarding advices from experts the us armed Saudi Arabia who in turned armed Libyan rebels that in turn armed Malian rebels and boko haram, a chain tactically predicted by the CIA.



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