Sunday, March 30, 2014

Real Reasons Why Indians Shave Their Hair And Donate To Temples ,HowThis Indian Hair End Up On Our Head.

Many Indian women offer their hair to deities in Hindu temples in a show of respect and gratitude. Few realize the offerings can wind up in a lucrative export market serving China and Hollywood.Women and men from all over India gather at the 1,200 year old temple Sri Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati, to participate in the religious ceremony of shaving your entire head to thank the Gods for everything that they have done for you.

It's not just a small population of people that do it, it's over 20,000 people a day - and the number is only getting higher as the population in India rises.
The process is known as tonsuring, and it is seen as a very holy experience around the world. However, the temple that tonsure is performed at, sells the hair that they cut off to so many willing people for free!A kilogram of hair can sell for up to $160! A kilogram of hair might seem like a lot, but considering there are thousands of people shaving their hair off, hair that used to go from their scalp to their hips, the temple doesn't have a problem finding enough hair to donate!
It's hard to say exactly where most of the hair ends up, but it is believed that majority ends up in Hollywood, and in China. Female hair is used to make wigs, while male hair is typically used to line the inside of fur coats, or used for a chemical that is found inside. The chemical then ends up in doughnuts, and baby food!


At Sunday, March 30, 2014 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt this.won't hair break over time?


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