Monday, July 21, 2014

Viva Gel | New Condom Developed To Kill HIV Virus,Herpes & HPV Soon To Be In Stores.

An Australian Bio-tech firm starpharma has developed a new condom designed to kill the HIV virus could be available to buy within months, after key regulatory approval.
Tests have shown the VivaGel condom is effective in deactivating 99.9 per cent of HIV, herpes and human papilloma virus cases. READ MORE

Australian bio-tech firm Starpharma has developed the antiviral Viva Gel, the active ingredient designed to tackle sexually transmitted infections, in the condom's lubricant.
A new condom, designed by the Australian bio-technic firm Starpharma, to kill the HIV virus could be available to buy within months after it received vital approval.

The product has now received a receipt of Conformity of Assessment Certification by the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration - a similar certificate to the CE mark in Europe - paving the way for mass production.
It means the condom, the first of its kind, should be available to buy in the coming months.
The condoms are lubricated with VivaGel, which contains 0.5 per cent astodrimer sodium - a non-antibiotic, antimicrobial drug designed specifically as a compound against HIV.
It is hoped the gel will help reduce the transmission of HIV and other STIs, while also reducing the risk of pregnancy.

Genital herpes, caused by the herpes simplex virus, is estimated to affect one in eight Australians aged 25 years and over, although many are unaware they are carrying the infection and pass it on without knowing.

Source DailyMailUK


At Monday, July 21, 2014 , Anonymous KamoSende said...

Yeiiiii.. Choi e dun de better


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