Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Tarzoor Charges Politicians To Exercise Restraint, Practice ToleranceAnd Forbearance Towards The Stance Of Others.

Rt. Hon. Prince Terhemen Tarzoor has called on all political inclinations to exercise restraint  and practice tolerance towards the stance of others during this period of politics.Tarzoor started this yesterday when he paid a visit to a firm supporter of his and Consultant to the Benue State Government Engr. Nat Apirwho was attacked by suspected thugs.

 During the visit Hon Tarzoor expressed shock at the attack on the respected Engineer.He stated in clear terms that his supporters and Benue indigenes at large must learn to live in peace and abide by the laws of the land. He said elections need not necessarily be a theatre of violence, but that the current do or die stance of certain politicians stems from desperation. On his part, he advised everyone from all political inclinations to exercise restraint, practice tolerance and forbearance towards the stance of others.

Engr. Nat Apir narrated the story of his attack on the fateful night. He was in the comfort of his home, feeling secure and relaxed when he was alerted to the noise of his dogs barking. He stepped out to see what was wrong as the dogs barked continuously and that was when he was attacked. His attackers also seemed to know him as one of them called his full name, ruling out the possibility of him being a random target. 
He was beaten mercilessly by faceless hoodlums, right inside the confines of his home. Considering his age, the beating took a toll on his body and the bodily pains he’s experienced since are inexplicable he said.

The assault however stopped short of preventing the international consultant from being his usual blunt self. He categorically denounced violence, and stated it was not a pathway to finding any solutions whatsoever. He resounded Hon. Terhemen Tarzoor’s call for all residents of Benue to live in peace and coexist, upholding the ideals of mutual respect for the opinion of everyone. He also urged all law abiding citizens not to be deterred but to remain resolute as that is the only way to achieving a greater Benue.

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