Wueseter Responds To The Picture Of Her Kissing Another Girl.
Remember Wueseter,the girl whose picture went viral on social media especially from Benue Blogs after she sent a shout out to her friend on her birthday with a picture of her kissing her friend tongue to tongue,(in case you missed it here is the STORY .
Anyway Wueseter has sent a response to critics who read negative meanings from the picture,she posted this on Facebook today,please read it below.
Good afternoon my dear friends, earlier this week, I posted a picture innocently and it raised all sorts of comments most of them derogatory and offensive. Here's my statement on the matter.
On Monday this week, I shared a picture of myself and a good friend on her birthday. In the picture our tongues touched without emotional attachment but more of mischief. Innocently I declared my love for my friend who's been my friend for as long as I've been a cognitive being.
I know love has been bastardized and reduced to mean carnal knowledge, but I was referring to pure love the type a mother has for her new born child, when I expressed love towards my friend.
While many people misinterpreted my gesture and people I know from nowhere took their time to call us all sorts of names, I am grateful to those who have been supportive. I was angry afterwards that I couldn't find my appetite, and I pondered on the reason why some individuals would spread such vile hate about another human. Then a wise friend said to me "in this world of ours it's okay to hate openly but love is met with disdain. That is why a verbal attack on a fellow human is seen as nothing when in reality it has far reaching effects and has led to suicidal tendencies"
But for God and His unending mercies, maybe those comments on my person would have gotten to me more than they did. I am amazed at how God's grace can be available to me despite all my sins. I am over the occurrence and not a single bad feeling has lingered on. Towards God I am again speechless in awe of his love.
I admit the picture might not be agreeable with the precepts of some. Not that it gives anyone the right to slander me and my friend as they did. Nonetheless, I thank all my friends for standing by me for it is in times like these that God shows us who truly has our backs. It is indeed a miracle and I am eternally grateful to God for the eye opening opportunity.
Fabmimi you have tried for this sily girl but i want her to know that An excellent way to find out if a girl is a lesbian is to actually when she goes on a date with a lesbian or kiss another lesbian (one that you actually like, not simply any lesbian). You will soon find out from either of these experiences if you have deeper feelings for them than just BFFs. Keep in mind again, however, that if you have been raised to think negatively of the LGBT community or simply haven't been exposed to that culture then it might seem a little awkward at first, but eventually this step will definitely lead you to discover your true feelings. (Also keep in mind that if you don't enjoy kissing or dating one girl doesn't mean that you feel that way about the whole sex it might just be that girl that you don't like) ...please make we hear word.
I have read over the old post and seen the picture,the wueseter put herself in trouble by posting that picture,she shouldnt have done this,that is gross,and unacceptable in our society ..........she is a lesbian no doubt
No sane girl will that kind of picture ...Fabmimi please stop posting and promoting lesbians on your blog,enough of this trash please.
I like her matured response, anyway our level of exposure is little so many people will surely not be comfortable with it.
Saw the pix on IG but like seriously I didn't tink lesbo but that's a serious pix.she did wrong to va post that pix.omg dats a tongue to tongue,you don't do dat not even to my daughter will I do dat.You do tongue to tongue with a LOVER.Well it's good she understand her mistakes and seriously I don't think she's a lesbian.
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