GIVE US OUR POLE BACK! Exotic Dancers Fire Off Lawsuit For Their Constitutional Right To STRIP At 18.
Louisiana recently passed a law that requires strippers to be over the age of 21. Well, some “underage” dancers aren’t trying to give up their lifestyle and are suing the state! they actually have a fair point about sexism?
A few young strippers in Louisiana are fit to be tied at a new law passed that says exotic dancers MUST be over the age of 21. They say the new law is infringing on their freedom to express themselves, leaning on the First Amendment right to back them up.
They have filed a federal lawsuit lawsuit alleging that a law requiring performers in strip clubs be at least age 21 is unconstitutional, according to They also claim that the law “unfairly targets women” since male strippers are still allowed to take their clothes off at the age of 18.
Identified in the lawsuit as Jane Doe I, II and III, the three dancers say the law will rob them of the ability to express themselves with erotic dance, in violation of the First Amendment guarantee of free speech.
They also claim the law unfairly targets women, citing a prohibition in state law that defines strip club performers as "entertainers whose breasts or buttocks are exposed to view." That definition, the dancers claim, applies only to women and "does not prohibit the same conduct by men" who are between the ages of 18 and 21.
Much of the lawsuit takes aim at the idea that the law is gender discriminatory, which the dancers say is in violation of the Constitution's equal protection law. Citing comments by legislators, the law seeks to bolster its gender discrimination argument by saying legislators knew the law was aimed at young women because state Rep. Walt Leger, D-New Orleans, and others said the law was aimed at protecting young women.
Sen. Ronnie Johns, the author of the bill, is reportedly quoted in the lawsuit as saying the bill is "strictly an anti-human trafficking bill." But, the three young ladies who filed the suit claim it’s only making it MORE likely they will get caught up with sex trafficking as pimps are using the new law to “recruit entertainers” who are 18 and will lose their job because of the new law. Interesting.
So, what do you think? Should women have the right to strip at the age of 18? Or, should they change the law to a minimum age of 18 for male strippers as well? Or are you a fan of the new law as is? SPEAK ON IT!
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