Saturday, February 18, 2017

'The doctors said my wife had blocked fallopian tubes'| Man gives testimony of how his wife beat doctors report and delivered a baby .

Within the confines of marriage, it is God’s will for you to conceive and give birth to a healthy wonderful child. Read the testimony of Mr Collins Uma and his wife,and how they refused to give up on God.

For about 5 years after our daughter was born we tried to have another child to no avail. My wife just could not take in. We saw several doctors, spent lots of money, got several diagnosis. Nothing. Each doctor came up with a different opinion of what had caused her infertility. The last doctor we went to runs one of the topmost fertility clinics around. He recommended some tests and directed us to a very reliable lab.
When the results came in, after very painful and costly examinations, we were told Cash has bilateral non-patent tubes (both fallopian tubes blocked). He recommended IVF if we really wanted a baby.

My wife cried. I made up my mind to accept the 'fact' that Nicole Chisom was going to be an only child. Then we decided to go see our pastor, Abel Uloko to give him update on the situation.

Pastor Abel rejected the doctors' report and prayed a simple prayer for us. Then he told me "Go and make love to your wife."

I did.

All the conditions they said my wife had, disappeared.
Blocked fallopian tubes burst open.
She took in.

Yesterday we named our son Mario Chikumnaka Terdooyum Enyo Akachukwu Uma.

Collins Uma

He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD! Psalm 113:9You can leave comments, suggestions and shout-outs in this page. If you have a question to ask, kindly shoot it here,Follow @Fabmimiblog on facebook,@Fabmimiblog on twitter,@Fabmimiblog on Instagram,

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