Saturday, September 09, 2017

20 Healthy Living Tips You Need To Know

Looking for a healthy living cheat sheet? Our resident health expert serves up her 20 health and nutrition tips that everyone should know. Enjoy!

1. Non-fat or “skim milk” has a surprisingly high amount of sugar. Most brands have about 12 grams per cup – this is almost half the amount of total sugar that is recommended you ingest each day!

2. When you eat protein, you lose 20-30% of those calories to digestion. This means if you eat 100 calories of protein, you only absorb about 70 of those calories.

3. Wheat raises your blood sugar higher and faster than any other carbohydrate including table sugar.

4. Matcha is an excellent source of antioxidants, or “polyphenols,” which protect the body from harmful free-radicals and cellular damage.

5. Cold pressed juice is considered to be more nutrient dense compared to traditional centrifuged juice. This is because centrifugal juicers generate heat which can destroy enzymes, and also force in air which can compromise nutrients.

6. Cooking tomatoes drastically increases its lycopene content. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that decreases risk of heart disease and cancer.

7. Cheeses with the lowest amount of lactose are those that have aged the longest. The lower the lactose, the lower the chance of stomach upset from intolerance to lactose.

8. Fiber slows down digestion and makes you feel fuller longer. Healthy adults should aim or 25 grams of fiber per day.

9. Tuna is an excellent source of Vitamin B12, selenium, Vitamin B3 (niacin), and protein - about 20 grams of protein per 3 oz serving.

10. Fish with lowest amounts of mercury include salmon, black sea bass, scallop, shrimp, skate, tilapia, cod, oyster, and crab.

11. Getting enough magnesium may help prevent migraine headaches. Good sources of magnesium include almonds, spinach, and avocado.

12. Foods that are an even greater source of potassium than bananas include sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets, and butternut squash.

13. Vitamin C helps to boost your immune function and protects against free radical damage. Good sources of Vitamin C include oranges, red peppers, and broccoli.

14. If you are sensitive to dairy products but you love butter, try clarified butter which is pure butterfat with the milk solids removed.

15. Tropical fruits are high in sugar. These include bananas, mangoes, and pineapples. Stick to a ½ cup serving when eating this type of high sugar fruit.

16. The best source of Vitamin D comes from the sun. The second best source is a supplement, and the third and lowest source are foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and beef liver.

17. An 8 oz cup of coffee can have between 95-200mg of caffeine. It is recommended to not exceed 400mg of caffeine per day for most individuals.​

18. Studies have found that just short bursts of exercise during the day can help with attention and focus. Aim for a fifteen minute walk at lunch to increase your energy for the afternoon.

19. Clutter can trigger your stress response. Avoid clutter in key areas such as your desk, your car, and in your bedroom.

20. A negative emotional state can express itself on your face as breakouts, dullness, and wrinkles. Practice being in the present for a happier emotional state and a better complexion.


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