Saturday, February 02, 2019

OMG ! CBeebies to have Will Young read children bedtime story about gay adoption as he says inclusivity must start at youngest age possible.

Will Young is due to read a story about same-sex parents on CBeebies, the BBC's children's channel, explaining that "inclusivity must start at youngest age possible"

The singer is due to appear on the channel's popular Bedtime Stories show, broadcast at 6.50pm every night, in order to mark LGBT history month.

Famous faces who have appeared on the show include Tom Hardy, Jessica Ennis-Hill and Tim Peake. 

He has chosen the book Two Dads for his bedtime story, which is the tale of a boy who has been adopted and finds himself happily raised by two fathers.

He said: "Children's books are one of the first ways we learn about the world around us so I'm overjoyed to be reading a story to mark LGBT History Month.

"More so than ever, families in all forms should be recognised and celebrated - whether that's two dads, two mums, families with a mum and a dad, those with a single parent, adoptive families and so on.

"I've never been more sure that inclusivity starts from the youngest possible age. I hope these stories will be used for years to come."

Will Young recently made headlines by threatening to report Jeremy Clarkson's Amazon car show, The Grand Tour, to Ofcom after accusing the presenters of homophobic remarks.

He said at the time: "How dare they stereotype gay men. I DON’T drive a Wrangler Jeep. I DON’T wear pink shirts . I DON’T wear a---less chaps.

"You can be honest and funny without this ridiculous ‘lad’ ooh being gay and let’s laugh about it mentality. It’s repulsive and how DARE you do it and put it out."

He is continuing his LGBT activism on his podcast, Homo Sapiens, the third series of which is out now.

Two Dads is written by Carolyn Robertson, and illustrated by Sophie Humphreys. Young can be watched reading from the book on February 9.

The BBC has started to feature more LGBT stories on the show in order to promote inclusivity, with JB Gill reading Families, Families, Families last year, which is a book about diverse families.

 Sharon D Clarke is scheduled to read another same-sex parent book, All Kinds of Families!, later this year.


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